Elton John: "Believe"

printer-friendly version (guitar, C#m, simplified)

© Muzland.info/ - Chord Chart Server
© Anton Gavzov

© Chorded by Elena Ladova // specialist (https://Muzland.info)
» Ordered by Vladimir Rumyantsev
± BPM (tempo): ♩ = 138 beats per minute

Lyrics by Bernie Taupin and Music by Elton John

  C#m | C#m7 | A A A A |
  F#m F#m G# G# |         } ×2

C#m                C#m7
I believe in love, it’s all we’ve got,
Love has no boundaries,
      F#m          G#
Costs nothing to touch.
C#m            C#m7
War makes money, cancer sleeps,
Curled up in my father
               F#m              E
And that means something to me.
D                       E
Churches and dictators,
F#m                  E
Politics and papers,
D                 C#m
Everything crumbles
Bm7       C#7
Sooner or later,
    F#m C#m  D
But love,
     C#7      F#m
I believe in love.

  F#m F#m F#m F#m | F#m G#

C#m                C#m7
I believe in love, it’s all we’ve got,
Love has no boundaries,
   F#m          G#
No borders to cross.
C#m           C#m7
Love is simple, hate breeds
Those who think difference
       F#m               E
Is the child of disease.
D             F#m                  E
Father and son, make love and guns
D                C#m Bm7   C#7
Families together kill someone
        F#m C#m  D
Without love.
     C#7      F#m
I believe in love.

  F#m F#m F#m F#m | F#m F#m G# G# |

  C#m | C#m7 | A |
  F#m F#m G# G# |   } ×2

C#m         C#m7
Without love I wouldn’t believe
A          F#m             G#
In anything that lives and breathes.
C#m         C#m7
Without love I’d have no anger,
I wouldn’t believe
       F#m                  E
In the right to stand here.
D           E  F#m              E
Without love I wouldn’t believe
  D                       C#m
I couldn’t believe in you
      Bm7                 C#7
And I wouldn’t believe in me
C#      F#m C#m  D
Without love.

     C#7      F#m C#m  D
I believe in love,
     C#7      F#m C#m  D
I believe in love,
     C#7      F#m
I believe in love.

  F#m | C# | F#m7 |
  Bm Bm C# C# | F#m |

  :4/4: F#m E D Bm |
  :3/4: D C#7 F#m |   } ×5

Finger notations of chords (guitar)

C#m for guitar C#m7 for guitar A for guitar F#m for guitar G# for guitar E for guitar D for guitar Bm7 for guitar C#7 for guitar C# for guitar F#m7 for guitar Bm for guitar

© Muzland.info/ - Chord Chart Server, Guitar
© Anton Gavzov