Muzland - chords

We are the champions

Guitar Chords

    • Slow
    • Medium
    • Fast
  • Autoscroll

© Chorded by Karpov A. (

Lyrics and Music by Freddie Mercury

             C#m   B/C#
I've paid my dues,
           C#m   B/C#
time after time.
          C#m         B/C#
I've done my sentence
                 C#m    B/C#
But committed no crime.
           E      A/E
And bad mistakes,
            E    A
I've made a few.
I've had my share
        B/D#         C#m
Of sand kicked in my face
    F#7       B
But I've come through.
And I need to go on,
And on, and on, and on.

     F#         Bbm7
     We are the champions
        D#m7    B  C#
     My friend.
         F#            Bbm7
     And we'll keep on fighting
              B    Gdim7
     Till the end.
     G#m        C#/G#
     We are the champions.
     Bdim7      Fdim7
     We are the champions.
     F#          G#m9
     No time for losers,
            A6         B7
     'Cause we are the champions
   C#7sus4  F#m
     Of the world.

Instrumental: B/F# | F#m
              B/F# | F#m | C#7sus4

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls.
You've bought me fame
        and fortune and everything
That goes with it, I thank you all.
But it's been no bed of roses,
No pleasure cruise.
I consider it a challenge
Before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose.
And I need to go on,
And on, and on, and on.

Chorus 2 times

Finger notations of chords

C#m for guitar
B/C# for guitar
E for guitar
A/E for guitar
A for guitar
B/D# for guitar
F#7 for guitar
B for guitar
Badd9 for guitar
C# for guitar
F# for guitar
Bbm7 for guitar
D#m7 for guitar
Gdim7 for guitar
G#m for guitar
C#/G# for guitar
Bdim7 for guitar
Fdim7 for guitar
G#m9 for guitar
A6 for guitar
B7 for guitar
C#7sus4 for guitar
F#m for guitar
B/F# for guitar


Song chords for those who want to play the guitar very accurately and similarly to the original.





Statistics Published 05.09.05
Transposed 111449 times
Queen - more songs with chords
  1. Muzland
  2. Q
  3. Queen
  4. We are the champions (Guitar)