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April, 10

Selena Gomez Declares She Wants a 'Boyfriend' on New Song Despite Hitting Dating 'Dead Ends'

For Selena Gomez, a new man is a want, not a need.

On Thursday, the 27-year-old singer released a deluxe version of her January album Rare, complete with three new songs and the inclusion of her recent single “Feel Me,” which originated from 2016 concert tour. The new tracks include “She,” “Souvenir” and “Boyfriend,” on which Gomez reflects on dating “dead ends” and a fleeting desire for a significant other.

“I want a boyfriend / But I just keep hitting dead ends / Try to take a shortcut, but I get cut again and again,” she sings in the chorus. “… Tell me, are there any good ones left? / I keep finding wrong ones, but I want love again and again.”

Elsewhere in the tune, Gomez muses that “there’s a difference between a want and a need” and “some nights, I just want more than me.”

The steamy song comes months after the star revealed that she has been “super, super single” for two years. “I am not dating anyone. I’ve been single for two years,” Gomez wrote on her Instagram Story in October, squashing dating rumors after she was spotted out with ex Samuel Krost. “I’m on God’s timing not mine.”

In an interview with the Zach Sang Show at the time, Gomez said she was looking forward to a more mature connection with a significant other.

“I want to know what that love will look like next for me. I want it to be real and I don’t want it to be co-dependent or messy or lack of communication,” she said. “When you get older, you find people who are actually right for you, that are actually on the same wavelength as you. … I’m chillin’ right now you guys, honestly, that is so stressful.”

The singer added that she was content with the single life for the moment.

“I’ve been having way too much fun being on my own. It sucked for the first year, I was like: ‘I just want to cuddle. I just want to watch something and be adored.’ But now it feels good,” she said. “It feels awesome.”

Gomez — who revealed last week that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder — speaks to her younger self on her other new track “She,” wishing she could tell herself that things will improve over time. In the song, she also warns past-her to “watch her back” and that she’s “worth more than that.”

“She was too young to be the Hollywood type / Too pure to understand the lows and the highs / She didn’t know if she was gonna survive / It all got so much better with time,” she sings.

The deluxe edition of Rare is now available wherever you stream music.

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  1. Muzland
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  3. April
  4. Selena Gomez Declares She Wants a 'Boyfriend' on New Song Despite Hitting Dating 'Dead Ends'