Muzland - chords


December, 18

Lawyers on song for PIPS Charity

The talented singers in Mills Selig’s Christmas Choir are fundraising on behalf of PIPS Charity, with a cover of a Jess Glynne song.

The choir was founded in 2019 when staff from across the team entertained commuters with Christmas carols at Lanyon Place Station in Belfast.

This year, with social distancing in mind, the performers took to Zoom to maximise their audience and to raise much needed funds for their chosen charity PIPS.

PIPS provides support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives.

It also provides support to those families and friends who have been touched by suicide.

Mills Selig said ‘I’ll be there’, by singer songwriter Jess Glynne, was chosen by the Christmas Choir “not only because it is a fantastic song, but as the lyrics represent perfectly the fantastic work and support provided by PIPS Charity.”

The Mills Selig Christmas Choir were very lucky to have Kristina Demou, a UK based international performer and vocal coach on production duties.

Senior associate Maeve Fischer said: “Our carol singing last year was very enjoyable and such great a success, everyone was very keen to get involved again this year.

“So much of our work this year switched to online and Zoom, we thought why not embrace the technology. Plus, the opportunity to work with a professional like Kristina was great motivation for all involved.

“The process of recording online and separately was a little strange at first – Kristina was brilliant to work with, such a professional – able to bring out the best in each of us. We all agreed it was a great experience.”

Ms Fischer added: “Mills Selig’s charitable work echoes our values as a firm, our Charity Committee do an excellent job identifying worthwhile causes to contribute to throughout the year.

“2020 has been a hugely challenging year for everyone, PIPS do an incredible job delivering Suicide Prevention and Bereavement Support Services – we are delighted to be able to raise awareness of their work and help contribute to their funding.

“I’ll be there’ is such a beautiful song, we felt the lyrics tied in perfectly with the work PIPS Charity do.”

*The Mills Selig Christmas Choir can be viewed at

*To donate visit

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  1. Muzland
  2. News 2020
  3. December
  4. Lawyers on song for PIPS Charity