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January, 16

Shania's museum don't impress much

The Shania Twain Centre is closing down due to lack of visitors, and may be turned into a gold mine.

The museum in the Canadian singer's home town of Timmins, Ontario, has been a shrine to the Grammy-winning country star's music and achievements since it was built in 2000. But as of January 30, 2013 it will be closed and the grounds are being sold to a mining company.

Local Mayor Tom Laughren, who announced the decision told CBC news: "Any successful centre definitely needs local buy-in. Locals [need to be] taking people and, obviously, the last few years, that was not the case."

He added: "Obviously, her career is going in a new direction. I think there was a realisation on the council maybe this was the time to look at other opportunities."

The centre showcased pictures and memorabilia from Shania's career and charted her rise from local girl to global star.

Last year Shania packed up some of the awards and costumes on display and took them to Las Vegas where she is starring in her new show Still The One at Caesar's Palace.

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  1. Muzland
  2. News 2013
  3. January
  4. Shania's museum don't impress much